QuickVet works with QUICKPACS, a complete cloud-based RIS/PACS
QUICKPACS Technologies is a complete cloud-based RIS/PACS and Medical Image Archival and Storage Solution that gives you an easy and secure method to upload, store, view, share and manage your Digital X-Ray images in the “cloud.”
QUICKPACS and QuickVet Work Well Together: Your digital radiographs are just a click away in QuickVet when stored in QUICKPACS. Plus, you can easily share these images with the client or a referring veterinarian.
Click on the image or link below to see how well QUICKPACS works with QuickVet! Dr. Weingarth has put together a wonderful demonstration and we hope you enjoy it!
Off-Site, Cloud-Based Storage Solutions: Most veterinary hospitals across the U.S. and abroad are still storing image data locally while the medical industries on the human side are enjoying off-site, cloud-based storage solutions and have been for years. We have worked hard to offer the veterinary market off-site, cloud-based storage solutions that go above and beyond at a price that you won’t find anywhere else.
- QUICKPACS Technologies will provide: Seven (7) or Twenty-One (21) years of archiving, access and storage of all images.
- One (1) login credential for a Veterinary Clinician/Radiology with the ability to log in from multiple computers
- More than one login can be added: three (3), five (5) and UNLIMITED
- DICOM viewer with a wide variety of measurement of viewing tools
- PRIORS showing up on the work-list thereby providing ability to the doctor to pick an old study and view the image and report immediately and compare with new study
- Database of old reports and images which can be searched based on multiple parameters
To Learn more about QUICKPACS and to Ask how to get it installed, please contact us directly:
For the Animal
Hospital Management System Users in the United States
For QuickVet
Practice Manager Users in the USA, Australia and India