World of QuickVet
or Call: 302-659-0343
Our team has been working together with veterinary practices for more than 25 years, developing a unique, adaptable practice management system that is more flexible than anything else you'll find on the market today.  Our business philosophy has always been "be helpful, be better and ALWAYS be human".  We're one of the few or maybe only veterinary technology company that designs, develops and supports our own adaptable practice management system in house. When you call us you speak with the actual people who develop and maintain your QuickVet.
Over these many years, we've discovered technologies that compliment QuickVet and help our client practices provide the best medical care for their patients, including QuickPACS, J-Ray Laser Systems, BitDefender, MozyPro, just to name a few.  Whether you need a veterinary practice management system, have a question about our technologies, or make sure we really are as human as we claim... call us at 1-302-659-0343 or click the button to send us your questions!

Frequently Asked Questions

Need an answer, have a question?

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Visits View, Pharmacy, Splits and various buttons are shown on multiple pages, Why ?
  2. Should a user include an item number on a miscellaneous sale?
  3. Can you sell something for another pet when examining the pet that is currently in the hospital?
  4. An employee was using anyone's name in the COLLECTED BY field in FINAL BILLING since her name came up so far down the list.  Is this okay?
  5. Is there any way to change the boarding arrival date to the actual day they arrive rather than their reservation date?
  6. I get the Hours Summary report when I process employee hours, but how do I get each employee's hours?
  7. When we "Process Client" (meaning there is more than 1 pet in Departures) and they have a coupon (example $5.00 off Interceptor), how can we take only "$5.00" off, rather than $5.00 off every pet we are processing? In the final screen when departing we click on "Discount" and then put in the "dollar amount." Is there a way to do this that we aren't aware of?
  8. I have extended the Basic Appointment Scheduler to the end of 2005, but I can't remember how to change the tab names from CONS1, CONS2, etc. to the names I use. Can you refresh my memory on how to update the tab names?
  9. As I set up QuickVet, how do I access and change the weight ranges used in the Weight-Dependent Procedures?
  10. We need to print a Stock and Pharmacy Inventory to determine the total value of our inventory. How do I print these reports?
  11. How can I look up a list of clients that have have spent a certain amount so far this year? This is useful when sending Holiday Cards or gifts!
  12. How can I write off certain client accounts in Accounts Receivable. I want to reduce our A/R for accounts that cannot be collected.
  13. It's that time of the year when we need to update prices for Procedures, Pharmacy and Stock. How can I change the prices globally, like increasing all procedures by 3%, rather than one at a time, please?
  14. How can I refund money, add a credit to an account or return items, please?

Answer 1:

The versatility of QuickVet lets the user access processes from multiple places rather than closing and opening several screens.  For example: Pharmacy is located in areas where you may need to reference the drug list in order to continue working in the selected area.

Answer 2:

The user must always use an item number.  The system depends on this number or code to record the billable properly.  Under INVOICES or ORDERS, if an item number is not shown, the system may not recognize it.  Even miscellaneous items have an item number (usually "MISC").

Answer 3:

Yes, while in Departure Details, you can make a QUICK SALE and continue.

Answer 4:

Not an acceptable business practice since the recorded activity is noted to an employee who did NOT do the action.  Recommend that the former employees can be de-activated (select EMPLOYED = NO in EMPLOYEE INFORMATION) to keep them on file, but not shown on the drop-down menu of active employees.

Another trick is to UP ARROW from the start of the WORK BY list.  When you use the UP arrow (on the keyboard), it jumps to the bottom of the list, working up through the list.

Another trick is to UP ARROW from the start of the WORK BY list.  When you use the UP arrow (on the keyboard), it jumps to the bottom of the list, working up through the list.

Answer 5:

Yes, there's a way to change the arrival date! Go to DEPARTURES -> KENNEL, and double-click on one of the boarding visits. The Boarding Details will allow the user to change the ARRIVAL (in the upper right corner) date as well as the Arrival time.

Answer 6:

Once you have PROCESS HOURS (BUSINESS->EMPLOYEES->PAYROLL), click REPORTS|SUMMARIES.  Click INDIVIDUAL HOURS REPORT.  Select the correct pay period.  The first report will be the HOURS SUMMARY, simply go to REPORT-> CLOSE.  The second report will contain ALL information (times, hours, etc.) for each employee.  Simply go to REPORT->PRINT and click PRINT.

Answer 7:

When you click on DISCOUNT in Final Billing, the Discount form has 2 areas. The top area (with which you are familiar) is to apply a discount to all departing invoices. The bottom area (called Discounts Applied to Individual Departing Invoices) allows you to apply discounts to individual invoices! The table in this bottom area shows the departing invoices. You can select a DISCOUNT TYPE for a specific invoice, or enter a discount to that specific invoice by entering the dollar amount in the DISCOUNT field!

Answer 8:

To change the Tab Names on the Basic Appointment Scheduler:
2. Click on the next record in the desired column (Doctor 1, Doctor 2, Doctor 3, Doctor 4) on the APPOINTMENTS tab, where you want to start making the change. You can COPY the value you want (highlight one of the records in the column, press Ctrl + C
4. A dialog will appear, ENTER NAME EXACTLY... Enter the Name exactly as you want it to appear or if you copied the value, Ctrl+V to paste the desired value, 30 characters maximum.
5. Click OK
6. A question will confirm your desire to change ALL entries of that column from the record you highlighted onwards. Click YES to make the changes, or answer NO to cancel.
7. The change will appear momentarily. The message bar will show the progress of the changes.

That's the way to change the entries under that column for all future dates. You can also highlight single records, click EDIT, then type in the desired value.

Answer 9:

To access or change the Weight Ranges for Weight-Dependent Procedures:
2. Click on Tab 6.
3. Click the EDIT button to make changes.
4. At the top, you'll see the WEIGHT RANGES.  You can now edit them to your preferred weight ranges.

5. When you're done, click CLOSE to close


QuickVet allows 2 different weight ranges, one of all hospital procedures, and one for all boarding procedures.

Answer 10:


Answer 11:

To look up a list of clients that have have spent a certain amount so far this year:
2. Click SALES ANALYSIS (teal arrow).

3. Click CLIENTS AT SALES LEFVEL (teal arrow).

4. In the DATE RANGE window, click on the desired date range (yellow arrow), enter the MINIMUM TOTAL SALES PAID (purple arrow), specify SMALL ANIMAL ONLY (teal arrow), then click OK (black arrow).

Date Range, Sales Amount, Small or Large Animal in QuickVet Analysis

5. The list of clients will be shown, and you can click EXPORT LIST, PRINT LIST, or PRINT LABELS (black arrows), and click OK when done.

List of Clients who had a Minimum Total Sales YTD in QuickVet


Answer 12:

To Write Off Accounts in Accounts Receivable:

  2. Click on TOTAL AR - ALL
  3. Click OK to the first message
  4. Answer YES to the next question (usually, but read the question and answer appropriately)
  5. The END DATE FOR BILLING will next appear.  It will have today's date, which is usually desirable, so click OK.  If you want a different date, enter it as ##/##/####, then click OK
  6. The analysis will begin,and you will notice updates in the message bar.
  7. The ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SUMMARY FOR ALL CLIENTS screen will appear, listing all clients with a non-zero account balance.  You can double-click on each client to open their Account, to review and make changes.
  8. To write off an account, click on the client, then click WRITE OFF CLIENT.Read and answer the questions, then answer YES if everything is correct.  You will notice the client's information is updated.You can repeat this process for each desired client.
  9. If you want to print a report with all accounts written off, click WRITE OFF REPORT.

Answer 13:

To Update Prices Globally:

Click on the link to read how to make Global Price changes:

Answer 14:

To refund money to a client and provide a Credit Invoice:

  2. Look up the desired client.
  3.   If you look up by Last Name First, then click the REFUND RETURN button (indicated below).

    Arrivals Client Lokup

    If you looked up by phone number or account number, and are at the Client/Pet Details page, click the REFUND RETURN button (indicated below).

    Arrivals Client/Pet Details

    NOTE: If you get a message that the current user is not authorized for Refunds and Returns, you need to go to BUSINESS --> EMPLOYEES --> INFORMAATION, look up the desired employee/staff and answer YES to the question: Authorized to Process Refunds/Returns/Delete Arrivals

  4. Answer YES to the question to process Returned Payment/Refund.
  5. The Returned Payment screen will appear.  Enter the Payment Method, press TAB or ENTER, then enter the Amount and press TAB or ENTER.
  6. You can enter any additional details in the COMMENTS field.
  7. If everything is correct, click PROCESS or PROCESS 1 RECEIPT to complete the refund.
  8. If something is not correct or you want to cancel the Refund/Returned Payment, click CANCEL REFUND.

To add a credit or make an adjustment to a client's Accounts Receivable:

  2. Look up the desired client, and double-click on their name or click BILLING.
  3. Click ADD to add a new transaction.
  4. A warning will appear to explain that this transaction will not update Daily Invoices, and is simply making a change to the desired client's account.  Click OK to continue.
  5. Enter the desired information for this transaction, and in the COMMENTS field, which defaults to "Enter POA or Description of Services", press F5 to clear the default and enter a explanation for this transaction.
  6. When entering the dollar amounts, please veify that the desired effect to their account balance is acheived.
  7. When completed, simply click CLOSE.

To process a return for a client:

  2. Look up the desired client.
  3.   If you look up by Last Name First, then click the REFUND RETURN button (indicated below).

    Arrivals Client Lokup

    If you looked up by phone number or account number, and are at the Client/Pet Details page, click the REFUND RETURN button (indicated below).

    Arrivals Client/Pet Details

    NOTE: If you get a message that the current user is not authorized for Refunds and Returns, you need to go to BUSINESS --> EMPLOYEES --> INFORMAATION, look up the desired employee/staff and answer YES to the question: Authorized to Process Refunds/Returns/Delete Arrivals

  4. Answer NO to the question to process a Return of Stock or Drugs.
  5. The REFUND OR RETURN screen appears to enter the items that are being returned.  With each item entered, a PAST STOCK or DRUG SALES screen will appear to verify that the item was previously purchased by the client.  Find the item and click OK.
  6. Tab through all the fields for each item.
  7. When all returned items are entered, click FINISH.
  8. The next screen will allow you to enter the Payment Method used to return the amount, and enter the amount returned.  Again, press TAB for each field once you're entered the information.
  9. Click PROCESS or PROCESS RECEIPT to complete the refund.