Is Inventory Control Really Possible?
With QuickVet, yes, you can truly control your inventory. It does take work, and is best accomplished with one of the staff responsible for inventory. QuickVet allows you to manage the Suppliers, their purchase orders, and even back orders. Once configured, QuickVet can create purchase orders with a single function, Process Inventory.
Suppliers & Purchase Orders
This screen shows the list of purchase orders for a specific suppliers. You can also access many functions, specific to inventory, and can use a bar code scanner with a Surface Tablet to easily maintain inventory, both from the receiving standpoint and when inventory counts are required.
Process Receiving
This screen shows a completed Purchase Order, with receiving done. You can easily enter the Lot Numbers and Expiration Dates while entering the quantity received.
Process Inventory
This unique function to QuickVet makes inventory a breeze. You simply click Process Inventory and QuickVet will list all items needed to be ordered, with their preferred supplier, so you can easily review and update/add items.